Senior DevOps Engineer - ООО Скуволт Рус - Уфа


Команда форума
Требуемый опыт работы: 3–6 лет
Полная занятость, удаленная работа

Our passionate and friendly team at SkuVault needs yet another extra pair of DevOps hands for our highload application (10 gigs of logs per day)! It’s extremely important, that the candidate is fluent in English, as the interview is done with an international team that doesn’t speak Russian.
We require an employee to have ИП, since our company works with legal entity. Rates are hourly ($20-30), and we don't provide paid holidays, vacations, or sick days. You are eligible to bring your own working device. This position is remote, but you are free to come to our Ufa office, it's truly AMAZING :)

SkuVault sets new standards in eCommerce industry and Warehouse Management. Our SaaS allows small and middle businesses around the whole globe to grow and stay competitive in this rapid-moving eCommerce world.
We have over 960+ clients spread globally, who love us for client-oriented and humane support and service, easily parseable reports and data, that help to understand how to reduce costs and minimize the pain from logistics-chain issues.

Stack and Requirements:
Apart from love-hate relationship with Azure, we work (and expect you to be familiar) with the following buzzwords:
  • Azure: cloud services, networks, RM resources on linux and Windows;
  • Bare metal: Linux and Windows;
  • Product runs and is being developed on Windows;
  • Development stack: .Net 4x, .Net Core;
  • Service infrastructure:
    • log stack: elasticsearch + kibana + elastalert;
    • telemetry stack: influxdb + grafana + bulitin grafana alerts;
  • Assembly infrastructure: Jenkins on Windows;
  • Terraform, Salt, Jenkins Pipelines, Docker.

We expect you to:
  • Provide environments that developers use working uninterrupted;
  • Troubleshoot together with developers;
  • Setup and deploy telemetry;
  • Support and help with production releases, as well as gather metrics and logs that signal that we have no issues;
  • Overall be proactive about telemetry and alarms on app / server states;
  • Help Azure get better, when it starts feeling blue and nauseous;
  • Be involved in the development, helping devs to do their day-to-day tasks;
  • Write bots on whatever-is-suitable for alarms in Telegram/Slack, scripts to update or pulling the data out, literally anything :)
  • Leadership/Supervisor: oversee and guide all activities of the junior DevOps folks. We expect seniority level for the DevOps Engineer, who'll lead the infrastructure design for new features, build, and manageme highly secure and scalable sites/software for the business, that'll work tirelessly to guarantee the reduction or removal of bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the DevOps department and engineering department as a whole.
  • As one of the peers in DevOps department, the engineer promotes documentation, and implements systems infrastructure best practices, building tools that allow the department to develop and deploy efficient modules for our SaaS.
  • Collaboration/Support: The role of the DevOps Engineer at SkuVault as expected is a highly collaborative one. In your collaborative capacity, you'll work hand-in-hand with the cross-functional feature teams through all technical operations and works to reduce or eliminate any repetitive or manual tasks.
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Ключевые навыки​

Английский — C1 — Продвинутый
Администрирование серверов Linux
Администрирование серверов Windows
influx db